Top 10 List of Week 01
Jonathan Amadeus --- Tangerang

Top 10 List of Week 01

  1. Linux Newbie Guide
    This website contains a complete tutorial about Linux for beginners like what Linux is, why to choose Linux over other OSes, what Linux distribution to choose, and installing Linux (since I’m also a beginner). I’ve ever used Ubuntu before it was in my school’s computer lab and Ubuntu is way different than Debian.

  2. Free Software vs Open Source
    I learned the difference between free software and open source. These terms are the most confused terms in the industry. Free software allows you to do anything you want with it, even improving the version and profiting from it. Meanwhile, the term “open source” emphasizes on the practical benefits of “free software”: supporting collaboration on software development projects.

  3. Software License Types
    Now I know that a software license is a contract between the entity that created and supplied an application, underlying source code, or related product and its end user. There are different types of software licenses and they cover different kinds of software and various business arrangements.

  4. Basic vi Commands
    After learning CLI commands, I need to learn some vi commands as well, and I’m learning it from this website. Vi is default Debian text editor used to edit text files, or other kinds of editable files. Vi is pretty easy to learn, yet difficult to master.

  5. Real-Time Computing: Hard Real Time vs Soft Real Time
    I learned that hard real time system is used in ATC and medical system, which needs operations to be perfectly in time constraint, while soft real time system used in computer games, will regrade as operations not done in the timing requirement. It’s easy to pick up the differences when given concrete examples like these ones.

  6. Microkernel in OS
    Now I know that a microkernel is a software or code which contains the required minimum amount of functions, data, and features to implement an operating system. On this website, I learned about microkernel architecture, monolithic kernel, and components of microkernel.

  7. Virtualization
    Virtualization is a process that allows for more efficient utilization of physical computer hardware and is the foundation of cloud computing. I’ve ever heard about virtualization before and was pretty interested with it, but my laptop at that time was not powerful enough to do it. With my new laptop, I am able to run it and had a lot of fun with it. On this website, I can learn about different types of virtualization, VMs, and hypervisors.

  8. Bash Scripting
    Bash is called the ‘Bourne Again SHell’. Bash is Linux CLI, just like MS-DOS on Windows. Bash has some similarities with MS-DOS and that gave me some leverage on Bash. Though, there’s still a lot to learn about this CLI system.

  9. SED Commands in Linux/Unix
    The acronym SED stands for Stream EDitor. It is a simple yet powerful utility that parses the text and transforms it seamlessly. I want to learn SED so that I can know how to do text substitution, selective printing of text files, in-a-place editing of text files, and many more.

  10. Intro to AWK
    AWK kind of looks like MIPS Assembly to me. AWK is a domain-specific language designed for text processing and typically used as a data extraction and reporting tool. AWK is an excellent tool for processing rows and columns of information, and is easier to use AWK than most conventional programming languages. On this website, I can learn some AWK syntaxes.

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